Get paid for the fuel you burn,
with RDF.

RDF boilers

Refuse Derived Fuel

RDF includes biodegradable material as well as plastics. During production glass and metals are removed and the residual material is then shredded. Learn more about our Energy from Waste here.

Earn from the fuel you burn.​

Charge up to £95 gate fee per tonne. Fuel with up to 10 tonnes of RDF per hour whilst producing your own electricity. See example figures below.

Water cooled grate.

Extend machine life and prevent high furnace temperatures from burning through grate bars.

Robust handling systems.

Enjoy a long machine life time with lower maintenance needs.

Our machines have superior build quality.

Combusting waste requires sophisticated technology. Our plants protect your air quality whilst allowing you to make a profit on the fuel you burn.

Low emission combustion

Primary, secondary and tertiary air for oxidation of volatiles.

Abatement for
acid gasses

NOx, dioxins, and furins through urea injection, sodium bicarbonate scrubbing and activated carbon.

Robust fuel feeding

Automatic fuel handling with a top loader or grab.

Novalux offers fully funded projects.

  Partner with Novalux.

Turn waste into power

Feed back to the grid or use the electricity on site. Combine an RDF boiler with an ORC or steam turbine.

It all starts with a site survey. Book yours now.

Request a call back from one of our team or let us know your requirements and we’ll send you some further information.